“One session with Lisa is like 4 years of therapy. Instead of wearing a perfectionist mask, I’m continuing to love and integrate all parts of me. In doing so, I’m enriching relationships with myself and others. Lisa helped me clarify my values, which catapulted me into a new purpose driven life. Instead of being stuck in the victim of my past, I understand the synchronicity of the divine order and I’m continuing to evolve into being the master of my destiny. I’m overwhelmed with gratitude for Lisa. I can’t imagine where my journey would be without her insight and brilliance! And her humor adds sprinkles on top!
Demartini Method Consultation
The Demartini Method® is a breakthrough discovery and cutting edge personal transformation methodology which results in a new perspective and paradigm in thinking and feeling. Developed by Dr. John Demartini, it is the culmination of more than 39 years of research and studies in numerous disciplines including physics, philosophy, theology, metaphysics, psychology, astronomy, mathematics, neurology and physiology.
The Demartini Method is now being used in over 58 countries throughout the world. Millions of individuals have now heard of this stress reducing, conflict resolving method. It is presently being introduced to psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, health professionals, prison workers, police, business executives, financial specialists, film producers, actors, politicians, and U.N. delegates.
Lisa is one of a handful of Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitators in the world and the only person holding combined qualifications as a Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator, Registered Play Therapy Supervisor and Psychotherapist.
*New clients, please contact Lisa directly before booking an appointment: lisa@lisa-dion.com

Lisa and Dr. John Demartini
Lisa is trained to use the Demartini Method® for the purposes of assisting you in transforming any area of your life. Some of the areas that can be successfully addressed are:
Clarifying your purpose, goals and objectives
Breaking through anger, fear or depression
Staying focused, enthusiastic and vital
Business development strategies
Health and wellness management
Building wealth and financial mastery
Resolving personal conflicts and dissolving distractions
Empowering relationship dynamics
Lisa’s specializations include:
– Transforming anxiety and depression
– Integrating traumatic events
– Transforming grief and loss
– Discovering and aligning values and priorities to maximize potential
– Transforming the mid-life crisis
– Uncovering blocks that are in the way of living an empowered life
For more information on the Demartini Method®, please visit drdemartini.com
Lisa Dion talks to Dr. John Demartini about Vision, Inspiration and Authenticity – Prepare to be inspired!
“Lisa was a bridge that connected me with my power, to discover myself, to feel gratitude for “my story” and to work towards a balanced perspective.” John Demartini says, “Let’s stand on the shoulders of giants”, and I say, “Thank you Lisa for letting me use your shoulders to explore the world.”
“Since I began mentoring with Lisa Dion my understanding and application of the Demartini Method has absolutely exploded. She has given me a deeper appreciation for how powerfully transformative this method is. Her masterful insight is inspiring and her earnest dedication to teaching others is phenomenal. In both my personal and professional uses of the Demartini Method Lisa has been my greatest asset. She has an uncanny ability to ask the right question at preciously the right moment and to challenge me and support my wisdom leaving me empowered and confident. To say I am eternally grateful would be an understatement.”
“Prior to meeting Lisa and working the Demartini Method I had struggled with the same issues for almost 15 years. I had been through multiple traditional therapists, out-patient intensive treatments (twice), many other both eastern and westerns modules of treatment, and still my life continued a slow downward spiral. Lisa was literally my last ditch attempt at not having to go to in-patient treatment, I came to her completely hopeless that it was possible to really change.
My first meeting with her I left feeling different from any other appointment I had ever had, the language she used and the way she approached my issues was different from any other therapist…and it was exciting. We immediately dug in using the Demartini Method, and big changes started happening within the first few appointments. After working through the Demartini Method with Lisa my life has really done a complete 180 and I consider working with her to be one of the biggest gifts of my life. The Demartini Method in and of itself is an amazing module to bring about change, but combined with Lisa’s knowledge and care as a therapist it turns it into a powerful tool that changes lives. Lisa is a brilliant facilitator of the Demartini Method, I can’t even put into words how highly I recommend her.”
“Lisa has been able to help me through perhaps the most difficult period of my life – a period where I have been unable to work due to physical issues, and how that ties into my own sense of self worth, and also how I perceive others evaluating my worth.
Lisa gets the first step in helping others – understanding and appreciating their world. My world is not always pretty, but Lisa gets that – and then moves toward solutions.
I have had several therapists in my life – some helpful, some not. Lisa is far and away, the most helpful of them all, and has perhaps even saved my life. She has helped me to find out and see for myself – my purpose, why I am here, and what I still have to offer others and the world.”