2024-2025 Synergetic Play Therapy® Certification Program (Level 2)
August 22, 2024 - May 13, 2025
This online program begins with 3.5 days (21 hours) together in community with our first online learning retreat. Halfway through the course, we will reconvene for an additional 4.5 days (27 hours) together. During the program (with the exception of December and January), we will meet twice a month via live webinar (1 1/2 hours each). Students will have additional monthly assignments to integrate learning. The Certification process also includes 4 one-hour consultation sessions (pre-Certification consultation upon completion of your Level 1 Introductory course) and 9 one-hour consultation sessions (combination of group and individual) during the course with an SPT Consultant for a total of 13 consultation hours…a total of 98 hours of learning!
*CE Credit Hours are not awarded for time spent in consultation, however, consultation is a mandatory aspect of this program.
What You Will Learn: Participants will gain a greater understanding and KNOWING of the Synergetic Play Therapy model, as well as an in-depth look at the neuroscience and research behind the model. We ask therapists/providers to go within to further ask the question, “Who am I?” with the understanding that as the authentic self emerges, therapists can increase their capacity to facilitate deeper and more complex processes within the child. Therapists/providers will also learn the details of the application of Synergetic Play Therapy theory while given the opportunity to fine tune their skills.
Program Dates: August 22, 2024 – May 13, 2025 (Access to program materials ends August 31, 2025)
Learning Retreat Dates by Location: Each virtual learning retreat will be offered in a North America timezone and an Australia/Asia timezone to accommodate the most participants possible. Please review the dates below carefully as you will be asked to declare a virtual retreat location in order to finalize your application. (The virtual retreat location you select will be the same for both the 3.5 Day Learning Retreat and 4.5 Day Learning Retreat.)
- 3.5 Day Learning Retreat (North America): August 22 – August 25, 2024, 9-4:30 PM Mountain Time (Last day ends at 12 PM, Noon)
- 3.5 Day Learning Retreat (Australia/Asia): August 30 – September 2, 2024, 8-3:30 PM Australia Eastern Standard Time (Last day ends at 11 AM)
- 4.5 Day Learning Retreat (North America): January 8 – January 12, 2025, 9-4:30 PM Mountain Time (Last day ends at 12 PM, Noon)
- 4.5 Day Learning Retreat (Australia/Asia): January 18 – January 22, 2025, 9-4:30 PM Australia Eastern Daylight Time (Last day ends at 12 PM, Noon)
Important Live Webinar Dates: All live webinars will be held from 5-6:30 PM Mountain Time (Denver).
- (2024 Dates) September 10th and 24th, October 8th and 22nd, November 12th and 19th
- (2025 Dates) February 4th and 18th, March 4th and 18th, April 1st and 15th and 29th, May 13th
Program Requirements:
- Attend both multi-day online retreats and all online monthly classes.
- Complete 5 recorded sessions of your work with your clients and complete a corresponding video self observation form for each session.
- Complete three (3) SPT Certification Skill Assessments with your consultant.
- Complete 13 Consultation Sessions – 7 individual sessions and 2 small group sessions for a total of 9 hours during the program. 4 individual pre-certification or post certification (depending on when you completed Intro, Supplemental Intro, or Intensive.) If you are unable to complete your pre-certification consultations you can complete them during the training.
- Homework: approximately 2-3 hours a month. Homework includes watching recordings of play therapy sessions, and completing video observation forms; personal reflections, and self observations of your own sessions.
- Client/Child Contact Hours: In order to receive your Certification at the end of the program you need to complete a minimum number of client contact hours using the model: 250 client hours for those seeking the Certified Synergetic Play Therapist credential, 150 child contact hours for those seeking the Certified Synergetic Play Provider credential. *Hours accrued while in an introductory course (Intensive, Online, Supplemental) and then any hours accrued while under the supervision/receiving consultation from an SPT Supervisor or Consultant count towards the total client/child contact hours.
Click here for a visual representation of program requirements by SPT Credential!
Once certified, you must renew your Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider credential every 3 years.
CE Credit Hours: 85 CE Credit Hours
The Synergetic Play Therapy Institute is an approved provider for the following associations:
Australian Play Therapists Association (APTA) Approved Provider
British Columbia Play Therapy Association (BCPTA) Approved Provider 23-01
*Please note: in order to receive SPT credit, you must have access to working with children. If you work in the mental health profession upon completion of the course you will earn the title of “Certified Synergetic Play Therapist.” If you work with children in another capacity, upon completion of the course, you will earn the title of “Certified Synergetic Play Provider.”
Partial CE credit will not be awarded. Individuals must meet all program requirements in order to receive CE credit for this program.
Cost: Click here for program pricing and payment plan options!
*A $150 USD non-refundable Application Fee is due at the time of registration and contributes to the total cost of the course. Once payment is received, you will be sent an email with the link to the online application! The rest of the payment for the course will not be due until after the application is approved. (See further details in the Refund Policy section below.)
2024-2025 Application Deadline Dates:
- To receive the early bird price, applications must be submitted by: April 1, 2024
- To join us for the 2024-2025 Certification year your application and payment must be submitted by: June 14, 2024
This is event is open to the public, please visit the organizations website for additional information. If you would like your organization to receive training in Synergetic Play Therapy, please contact the Institute at info@synergeticplaytherapy.com.