AIRS Keynote Virtual Workshop- Too Stressed To Help
April 26, 2022
As a front line worker you put in countless hours helping people through their fears and challenges, but let’s be honest- there are days when being fully present is not an easy task. Yes there are many moments that are rewarding, but the truth is that helping people through a crisis and life’s stressors can be hard work and taxing to your nervous system. As front line workers, you spend a lot of time learning about how to be of services to others, but what about you? What happens when you are too stressed to help?
This keynote will help guide you back to you. With the help of neuroscience, you will discover how to identify your own states of dys-regulation and burnout beyond the common warning signs that you may already be familiar with. The myth that your self care can only happen before and after work and on the weekends will be challenged as we look at ways to regulate during your interactions with those you are helping and deal with stress in between interactions. You will learn that it is possible to leave each day with a deeper connection to yourself and with more energy.
This virtual keynote will be held on April 26th, 2022 from 12:00pm-12:45pm EST.
For more information click HERE.