The Business of Play Therapy™
March 15, 2021
The Business of Play Therapy™ is custom designed for Play Therapists like you, who are deeply committed to being a leader – a leader in your business, your life, and most importantly, in the world. Whether you’re brand new to business or established and ready to grow, the Business of Play Therapy will help take you and your ideas to the next level. It’s designed to help you build your business, challenge your fears, listen to your intuition, and go after your mission.
Over 7- weeks, you’ll learn how to clarify your dream and the building blocks to help launch it in the world. Lisa will offer you the education you may have never received in graduate school and teach you the business-side of being a Play Therapist. She’ll introduce you to everything from how to create a congruent vision, to how to overcome fears that might be getting in the way, to creating an entrepreneurial mindset, plus so much more.
Perhaps like yourself, Lisa did not have business training in graduate school. She has had learn on her own, seek out mentors and training in order to build her businesses. In this course, Lisa will teach you the key ingredients she’s discovered along the way and guide you through how to go from not just a good idea, but how to launch it into the world. If you have a dream inside, Lisa wants to help you manifest it.
This course is perfect for you if you’re starting out in private practice, have a dream to offer a product or service, wanting to build a larger business, or are already running a (mostly) successful business, but want to take your business to the next level.
Registration and details to come the second week of January 2021 … Course launches March 15!