2019 Midwest Child Life Conference – Keynote in Springfield: The Need for An External Regulator During Child Life Interventions
November 9, 2019
Join Lisa Dion as she explores external regulation in the Child Life Specialist.
Research in neuroscience and interpersonal neurobiology sheds light on the need for the Child Life Specialist to act as the external regulator supporting the child and their family to move towards the intensity they are experiencing allowing for integration.
Without the ability of the Child Life Specialist to become the external regulator for the intensity that arises, both the child, family, and the Child Life Specialist are at risk for emotional flooding and high levels of dysregulation in their nervous systems. Over time, this can significantly impact a Child Life Specialist’s longevity in the field, as well as the ability to stay attuned and present to the child and family during care.
Break out session:
We are in this together: Understanding Nervous System States for Co-Regulation