Podcast: Lessons From The Playroom
Available Now on YouTube & iTunes!
The Synergetic Play Therapy Institute’s “Lessons From the Playroom” podcast is a series of audio and video recordings heard in over 150 countries. Every week, Lisa shares her wisdom or is joined by special guests to explore some of the little lessons kids teach us that make a big difference in the play therapy process and offer ways to transform both you and the clients that you work with.
Transform you, your child(ren) and your child clients from the inside out! This podcast is for mental health professionals, those in related roles (e.g., child life specialists, school counselors, occupational therapists, coaches, etc.), and parents/caregivers.
*Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S, is an international teacher, creator of Synergetic Play Therapy, founder and President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute, co-founder of the Synergetic Education Institute, creator of the Business of Therapy and host of the Lessons from the Playroom podcast. She is the author of Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach for Integrating Intensity.
Also Featured On:
Parenting in the Trenches S8.E3
Lisa joins Karen Peters to talk about “Neurodiverse families: The myths and mirrors of coregulation.” Learn why coregulation is so powerful, some of the surprising misconceptions about how it works, and ways you can support your child more effectively through those intense emotions that feel like they’ll never pass safely.
Women Today with Emma Teitel
In this rich and uplifting interview Lisa Dion shares powerful wisdom about how to lead an inspiring and purposeful life that is in alignment with who you truly are – On Finding Inspiration, Congruence & Purpose.
Straight Talk Live: Ep. 30
Learning how to manage conflict is one of the greatest skills we can learn as people. And yet most of us either avoid it or simply don’t have the tools to effectively deal with it. Lisa shares practical, science-based tools for dealing with conflict and explains what’s going on inside the brain during difficult conversations.
Regulation for Clinicians with Lisa Dion & Jackie Flynn
A 1-hour training to support therapists through the ups and downs during this global COVID-19 pandemic with regulation, connection, and moving back into the window of tolerance (including navigating online play therapy sessions). Learn how to come back online with yourself!
Online Play Therapy
Online therapy is a new option to see your clients and their parents interact in the home, but computers aren’t foreign things for children. Lisa talks about what to do with a parent in the room when that’s not the norm and how to do the intake with the parent including the nuts and bolts of the platform.
The Neurobiology of Play Therapy: A Synergetic Approach – HPP 02
Play Therapy Community Podcast: Episode 69
In this podcast, Lisa talks about her experience in many settings to include private practice, schools, social services, foster care agencies, and orphanages. Synergetic Play Therapy’s name was influenced by Lisa’s love for the brain and understanding what happens in the nervous system.
The Neurobiology of Parenting and Healthy Child Psychology
Would you love some fresh insight and new perspective on parenting? Check out this Neurobiology of Parenting Interview Lisa did with Michael Johnson, the Mojo Master.
Boundaries – Relationship Tool With Lisa Dion
Interview with Jayson Gaddis. Boundaries are by far one of the most important tools in intimate relationships. How much do you struggle to say no says a lot about how much you value yourself. You must get boundaries if you want to go the distance in a relationship.
Straight Talk Live: Ep. 7
Lisa talks about “How Understanding Our Neuroscience Unlocks Transformation” and dives into *How transformation actually works, *What’s the science behind accessing your creativity, intuitive capabilities, and innovative action, and *What makes you freeze up, give up, or stay complacent.
Managing the Stress of the Coronavirus
Lisa discusses and normalizes the stress and body activation that we are all experiencing; what regulation is and how can we do it right now?; and explores how to regulate through the intensity and how this is just as important as sleeping well, eating well, washing hands, etc.
Science of Psychotherapy Podcast
In this podcast, Lisa talks about her book Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach for Integrating Intensity and the neurological processes that lead kids to dysregulation. Listen in as she discusses how therapists can help their clients facilitate deep emotional healing without causing their own nervous systems to shut down.
“All play is an expression of something going on inside of a child.”
In this episode, Lisa explains and discusses the importance of regulation. She also shares how we can use forms of play, children’s most natural form of communication to help. Lisa shares the fastest way of communicating with children and ways children can learn to develop a relationship with the experiences that are happening in their bodies.
Coleyology Podcast with Coley
“Therapy in my opinion, is helping the child discover what wisdom is in them and then teaching them to connect with themselves in a new way so they can direct the energy in a different place – but don’t shut their experience down.” Lisa talks with Nicole Lemaster about the inherent wisdom in the body and how to work with children.
Heart To Horses Podcast
Paradigm Shifts in Parenting – A New Way of Thinking about Children’s Moods
In this podcast, Lisa Dion continues her presentation on the biology of behavior in children and adults. She discusses strategies and tools that help parents and educators understand and support their own emotional landscape and the children they care for.
Listen To The Podcast
Listen To Part 2A
Listen To Part 2B
Authentic Goal Setting
Become empowered and inspired- master your life and your goals. Drop the “shoulds,” just be your real self, and Lisa Dion says- you will accomplish more of your goals. If you are frustrated with your lack of progress on your New Year’s resolutions or worried about world events, or if you simply want to be more…
Synergetic Play Therapy With The Boulderist
You are in for a treat with Episode 007 because our guest is Lisa Dion. Lisa is a leader in the world of play therapy. She talks about challenges and behaviors – and ways to work with people expressing those behaviors – in a way that is useful to us all, but especially to parents. Have a listen!